"Mirai Nikki” was serialized in Weekly Shonen Ace from 2006 to 2011. It was released in 12 tankoubon volumes, which have had more than 4 million copies printed. The story was also turned into a video game in 2010, an anime series in 2011, and a novel earlier this month.
The drama will use an original story that differs from the manga, revolving around 12 people who obtain a “future diary,” which allows them write down “predictions” of the future that will come true. However, they are all part of a game of survival, in which they must use their diaries to try to kill each other and be the last one remaining, earning a place on the “God’s seat.”
Okada plays Hoshino Arata, a lazy college student who doesn’t believe in spending effort or working toward the future. One day, he gets a diary (the “future diary”) on his mobile phone, and he becomes involved in the game of survival.
Stars:Masaki Okada, Ayame Gôriki, Kanata Hongô
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Action, Thiller
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